Game Two - Think WuXing

Think WuXing

Think WuXing requires a more fluent understanding of how the Elements interact. It requires each player to pit their wits & decide to try & win the Universe Pot or opt to play just the player because they do not feel their hand is strong enough.

Think WuXing gameplay

  • The Hands are dealt exactly like “Learn WuXing”.
  • A card is drawn from the top of the universe deck and laid face up in the pot.
  • The same rules are in play as Learn WuXing. The difference being:

Card & Player Choice

  1. The Players will draw a hand of 2 cards from the top of their own player deck to play with
  2. Choose to play the Universe with a participating player or not the Universe and play another participating player direct.

Option 1: The Players take the top TWO cards from own deck & can now choose which card to play when it is their turn and choose to play against the Universe card or Player 2’s hand instead & like “Learn WuXing” the game rotates clockwise.

Option 2: The Players take the top TWO cards from own deck & can now choose which card to play when it is their turn and choose to play against the Universe card inviting any ONE Player to join the hand or can choose to play any ONE Player direct. The Player who has been played against commences the next play with the same choice & so on. However if that Player is taken out of the Game from the hand then the Player who won the hand commences the next play with the same choice & so on

Option 3: The Players take the top TWO cards from own deck & can now choose which card to play when it is their turn and choose to play against the Universe card inviting any ONE Player to join the hand or can choose to play any ONE Player direct. The Player who wins the hand chooses again.

NOTE: Player vs. Player will give a weak hand a chance & an opportunity to absorb or destroy another player’s card or take a Player out but there is no opportunity to win the Universe Pot or indeed send it to The Void.

Power Card Activation

Other players can interrupt the hand being played by the 2 players at any time with a DESTRUCTIVE STAR. The DESTRUCTIVE STAR can also be countered with 2 INFINITE DRAGONS by other players involved in the game.

Infinite Dragon ABSORBER of all element cards except The Destructive Star.

  1. When an Infinite Dragon is drawn from the Universe Deck all players have to contribute a card, to the Universe Pot from their player hand of 2 cards. The Infinite Dragon Cards played by the Universe or any that are contributed will remain in the pot. However if a Destructive Star is contributed then all cards are discarded to THE VOID.
  2. X2 Infinite Dragons activated by any player at any time can counter A Destructive Star (please see below under Destructive Star nos.3) by neutralizing the play. The Destructive Star joins the pot while the Infinite Dragons activated go to THE VOID.

Destructive Star DESTROYER of all elements including the Infinite Dragon sending all cards to THE VOID.

  1. When a Destructive Star is drawn from the Universe Deck all players have to send a card, from player hand to THE VOID while The Destructive Star remains in the Universe Pot.
  2. Other participants not involved in the hand can become involved. The Destructive Star is playable by any player anytime when in hand. When The Destructive Star is activated by a player all cards are discarded to THE VOID. This can stop a Player absorbing the Universe Pot. The Destructive Star is then laid down face up as the only remaining card in the Universe Pot.
  3. Destructive Star activation can be neutralized by x2 Infinite Dragons by other player hands. (please see rule nos. 2 under Infinite Dragon). The Destructive Star will join the Universe Pot while the Infinite Dragons activated will join the Void
  4. If another Destructive Star is activated by another player in the same play this will also stop the effect & both Destructive Stars will join the Universe Pot with the rest of the cards. No cards will go to the void.

What moves to play

  • Keep the destructive star just to destroy, take someone out with you.
  • Work with other players on utilizing the Infinite Dragon against the Destructive Star.
  • You may want to use the Destructive Star to drive the Universe Pot to the Void when it grows too large rather than another player winning the Universe Pot.

Where the game is going

Yin & Yang

  • Once you have mastered the Productive/Absorbing Cycle of the Five Elements and the Destructive Cycle of the Five Elements the idea is to bring Yin & Yang into the equation.
  • This can also be related to an Overcoming Cycle and is basically a reverse of the Destructive Cycle where a Yang Fire is too strong for a Yin Water such as when Fire can turn Water to steam.

The 2 extra cards in the deck will introduce more characters & power

  • You will notice that there are 2 extra cards to give to friends that advertise the game and the artwork. These will eventually be new cards introduced to the game that will also have more tricks and power as the game becomes more popular and evolves with more complex mechanics.

An Idea forum or Facebook group will be created to further evolve the game.

Using the Game as a learning tool

Intention is to develop games that will teach the basics of 5 Elements related to:

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM)

Example – did you know the organ for Fire is the Heart & the organ for Wood is the Liver? Because Fire feeds off Wood a bad liver will have implications on the heart and too much Fire in a diet will have implications on the Liver.

Feng Shui

In order to create harmonious living & working environments Feng Shui masters make sure there is not too much of an element dominating or will indeed compensate by encouraging the introduction of elements that are lacking such as plants to represent wood or a fountain to represent water. At a deeper level direction is considered.

Martial Arts

The Five Elements has been used as a strategic tool in many forms of combat. In Kung Fu the metal knives beat the wooden pole. Shapes are assigned such as Tai Chi being circular and “Water” which is effective against Boxing being a triangle and “Fire”.